General, News, Reportaje fotográfico, STANDS


After the last post featuring the Haier stand, today we will talk about the Catalonia stands.

If you have been following us recently, you will know that if there is one project to which we have dedicated resources and enthusiasm in recent times, it has been Catalonia, and it has occupied a key space in our studio over the past two years.

At Gecom, we are delighted to say that we bring our destination, the brand Catalonia, everywhere, a key source of inspiration for many of our designs. Throughout 2023 and 2024, we have been present at various fairs with stands that reflect our passion for Catalan culture, gastronomy, and architecture. You will see elements such as the Catalan vault, trencadís (mosaic), or the selection of native aromatic plants like thyme or rosemary to enhance the different spaces.

Now, we are pleased to share with you the magazine of Catalan activities for the year 2023, where our stands are prominently featured. Memoria_ACT_2023.pdf As you can see on pages 50, 51, and 52, Catalonia participated in over 30 international fairs during 2023, and we had the opportunity to participate in the most renowned ones such as WTM, ITB, FITUR, and IBTM.

Stand Catalunya - ITB 2024
Stand Catalunya – ITB 2024
Stands Catalunya - WTM 2023
Stands Catalunya – WTM 2023
Stand Catalunya - Fitur 2023
Stand Catalunya – Fitur 2023
Stand Catalunya - IBTM 2023
Stand Catalunya – IBTM 2023

To conclude this post, we must emphasize that it has been a pleasure to be part of this internationalization process that Catalonia has experienced in recent years, and we hope to continue working hand in hand with this great team.

See you in the next one! 😊

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