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Let’s continue with #GetInspiredWithGecom, this time we’re back with wooden slats.

These living elements, a part from being more sustainable than their alternatives, bring a unique and warm aesthetic to any event or fair. Their presence creates a cozy and elegant atmosphere, that captures the attention of visitors. These slats, with their natural texture, versatile tone, and various finishes, add a touch of authenticity and sophistication to spaces and adapt to all kinds of styles.

In addition to their aesthetic value, wooden slats also offer functionality. Being flexible and modular makes them highly versatile elements, this allows to their adaptation to different spaces. These slats can be used as room dividers, enclosures, wall cladding, or even as part of displays and shelves, offering a versatile and practical solution for showcasing products.

If you follow us, you’ll know that in Gecom, this is a resource we often use because, as we mentioned before, they offer solutions of all kinds and provide a unique aesthetic in our projects.

See you in the next post.


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