Alimentaria-Hostelco 2.018: 1200m2 of our design stands in Barcelona (I)
1200 m2, 13 stands, more than 30 workers, 5 coordinators, Fontvella, Conservas Dani, Luis Capdevila, Acristalia, Comas, Lacor, Markibar, Do Oli, Welbilt, Panetier, Pastisart, Promerca, Quality Espresso and endless hours to reach a good port. This could be the summary of the contribution of GECOM to Alimentaria-Hostelco 2018. A great success of the public and, for our part, of designing.
Here you have the first part of the selection of photographs of some of the stands that we have designed and built. And, of course, thank you very much for trusting us.
Conservas Dani
Font Vella